Privacy Policy

Keeping customer information secure is a top priority for all of us. We understand that you expect privacy and security for your nonpublic personal information and we are committed to treating your information responsibly. We are sending you this privacy notice to help you understand how SILVER SPRINGS SHORES INVESTMENTS, LLC handles the personal information about you that it collects and may disclose. This notice tells you how you can limit SILVER SPRINGS SHORES INVESTMENTS, LLC from disclosing personal information about you.

This Privacy Notice (“Notice”) also describes the standards SILVER SPRINGS SHORES INVESTMENTS, LLC follows in handling nonpublic personal information that we receive about you. By “nonpublic personal information” we mean information we possess that identifies you personally and is not otherwise available to the public. This notice will refer to this information simply as “personal information.”

Unless otherwise stated, the provisions of this Notice will apply to former customers as well as current customers. We may amend this privacy policy from time to time.

Categories of Personal Information We Collect

The personal information we collect from you comes from the following sources:

  • Information we may receive from you use of this website, or from applications, subscriptions, contract documents or other forms (electronic or otherwise) including, but not limited to, your name, age, gender, marital status, number of dependents, assets, debts, income, employment information, social security number, address, telephone number
  • Information about your transactions with us, our affiliates, nonaffiliated third parties or others, such as your account balances, payment history and account activity
  • Information we may receive from a consumer reporting agency, such as your credit bureau reports and other information relating to your creditworthiness, your financial circumstances, and your credit history, including any bankruptcies or foreclosures you may have experienced
  • Information we receive about you from other sources, such as your employer and other third parties.

Parties to Whom We May Disclose Personal Information

SILVER SPRINGS SHORES INVESTMENTS, LLC may disclose any of the above information that we collect to affiliates or to nonaffiliated third parties as described below.

Categories of Affiliates To Whom We May Disclose Personal Information

It is often helpful to disclose personal information to our affiliates. Our affiliates are primarily engaged in real estate development, finance, marketing and sales and activities related to those processes.

Categories of Nonaffiliated Third Parties To Whom We May Disclose Personal Information

Sometimes it is necessary to disclose personal information to nonaffiliated third parties. The types of nonaffiliated third parties to whom we may disclose your personal information include:

  • Financial service providers including, but not limited to, banks, mortgage companies, consumer credit companies, life insurance companies, credit insurance companies, hazard insurance companies, automobile insurance companies, investment advisors and companies registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, real estate agents and brokers
  • Non-financial companies, such as discount consumer buying clubs, consumer products companies, companies engaged in direct marketing and consumer services companies
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Companies that perform marketing services on our behalf or to other institutions with which we have joint marketing agreements
  • We may also disclose personal information about you to nonaffiliated third parties as permitted by law.

Note: If you check Box 1 on the Privacy Choices Form, we will not make these disclosures except as follows. First, we may disclose information about you as described above in “Categories of Personal Information We Collect” to third parties that perform marketing services on our behalf or to other institutions with whom we have joint marketing agreements. Second, we may disclose personal information about you to third parties as permitted or required by law, including disclosures necessary to process and service your account.

Personal Information about Former Customers

We treat information concerning our former customers the same way we treat information about our current customers.

Your Privacy Choices

This section describes your privacy choices. Please remember that we will continue to protect your personal Information regardless of your privacy choices.

Your Right to Opt Out of the Disclosure of Nonpublic Personal Information to Non-Affiliated Third Parties (Box 1)
We disclose, or reserve the right to disclose, nonpublic personal information about you to nonaffiliated third parties. If you prefer that we not disclose nonpublic personal information about you to nonaffiliated third parties, you may opt out of those disclosures, that is, you may direct us not to make those disclosures (other than disclosures permitted or required by law). As described in this notice, we will limit the personal information about you that we disclose to nonaffiliated third parties if you check Box 1 on the Privacy Choices Form.

Sharing with Affiliates (Box 2)

The law allows us to share with our affiliates any information about our transactions or experiences with you. Unless otherwise necessary to service your account or as otherwise permitted by law, we will not share with our affiliates any other information that you provide to us or that we obtain from third parties (for example, credit bureaus) if you check Box 2 on the Privacy Choices Form.

Our Mailing and Telemarketing Lists (Boxes 3 and 4)

We would like to keep you informed about promotional offers from our affiliates and from nonaffiliated third parties. If you wish to be taken off our mailing and/or telemarketing lists that we use for such offers, please check Box 3 and/or Box 4 on the Privacy Choices Form.

We will continue to mail you information that you may find valuable in managing your account with us even if you have checked Box 3. We may also continue to send you promotional offers from third parties, but only through any routine correspondence or statements that we send you in the ordinary course of our relationship.

Please allow approximately 30 days from our receipt of your privacy choices for them to become effective.** Your privacy instructions and any previous privacy instructions that you may have given us will remain in effect until you request a change.

Privacy Choices Form

If you want to limit disclosures of personal information about you as described in this notice, just check the appropriate box or boxes to indicate your privacy choices. Then, send this form to the address listed below.

    Limit the personal information about me that you disclose to nonaffiliated third parties

    Limit the personal information about me that you share with affiliates

    Remove my name from your mailing lists used for promotional offers

    Remove my name from your telemarketing lists used for promotional offers

    My Account Number

    Customer Name

    Customer Address




    Phone Number

    Email Address

    ([email protected])

    I hereby authorize SILVER SPRINGS SHORES INVESTMENTS, LLC to provide me with subsequent notices by electronic messages at the email address set forth above.

    Our Privacy Promise With Respect to the Security of Personal Information

    While information is the cornerstone of our ability to provide superior service, our most important asset is our customers’ trust. Keeping customer information secure, and using it only as our customers would want us to, is a top priority.

    We restrict access to nonpublic personal information about you to those employees who need to know that information to provide products and services to you. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard your nonpublic personal information. Third parties who have access to your nonpublic personal information must agree to follow appropriate standards of security and confidentiality.

    1. We will safeguard, according to strict standards of security and confidentiality, any information our customers share with us.
    2. We will limit the collection and use of customer information to the minimum we require to deliver superior service to our customers, including advising our customers about our products, services and other opportunities, and to administer our business.
    3. We will permit only authorized employees, who are trained in the proper handling of customer information, to have access to that information. Employees who violate this Privacy Promise will be subject to our normal disciplinary process.
    4. We will tell customers in plain language, initially and at least once annually, how they may remove their names from marketing lists. At any time, customers can contact us to remove their names from such lists.
    5. Whenever we hire other organizations to provide support services, we will require them to conform to our privacy standards and to allow us to audit them for compliance.
    6. For purposes of credit reporting, verification and risk management, we will exchange information about our customers with reputable reference sources and clearing-house services.
    7. We will attempt to keep customer files complete, up to date, and accurate. We will tell our customers how and where to conveniently access their account information (except when we’re prohibited to do so by law) and how to notify us about errors which we will promptly correct.